Supplier Performance Management

We reduce risks, improve results and reward excellence.

The Supplier Performance Management (SPM) process is managed on WeBUY, Enel's procurement platform.
The methodology of the process includes periodic evaluation of the Supplier by Contract Managers, users and beneficiaries of the contract throughout the effective period of the contract and its accesory obligations.

Performance evaluation

Performance evaluation can be carried out for one or a set of the following categories:

  • Safety: considers information gathered during inspections and any violations of contractual rules and provisions related to Health and Safety issues (e.g., failure to use personal protective equipment during work, failure to report minor work accidents to Enel within 24 hours).
  • Enviroment: considers information gathered during inspections and any violations of regulations and contractual provisions related to environmental issues (e.g., atmospheric emissions without authorization or non-compliance with the limits imposed by current regulations).
  • Quality: considers information regarding the quality of services, works, and goods provided by suppliers during contract execution (e.g., compliance with technical specifications, product reliability).
  • Punctuality: considers information on compliance with contractual/agreed timelines (e.g., punctuality of supply/documentation delivery).

Methodologies for the evaluation of the categories

For category evaluation, there are common methodologies and specific methodologies that depend on each business. Below are the aspects subject to evaluation (where applicable).


KPI data by project phase/type of activity
Engineering Phase
  • Number of validated documents vs. Number of documents issued for validation
Execution Phase
  • Number of non-conformities in audits by severity type vs. Number of elements inspected
Production Phase
  • Number of non-conformities in audits by severity type vs. Number of elements inspected
  • Number of validated documents vs. Number of documents issued for validation 
Transport and Logistics Phase
  • Number of delivered lots vs. Number of ordered lots 
Installation and Commissioning Phase  
  • Number of non-conformities by severity type vs. Number of elements inspected
All Phases
  • Findings recorded through control checklists regarding service/work/supply quality
KPI data by project phase/type of activity
Engineering Phase
  • Number of documents issued vs. Number of documents planned in the schedule
Execution Phase
  • Number of days delayed compared to the project Gantt
  • Number of non-conformities in audits by severity type vs. Number of elements inspected
All Phases
  • Findings recorded through control checklists regarding service/work/supply punctuality


  • Variation rate of non-conformities detected in inspections and accidents weighted by severity level
  • Variation rate of non-conformities detected in inspections and environmental incidents weighted by severity level
Enel Green Power & Thermal Generation – Engineering and Construction
  • Number of validated project documents vs. Number of revised project documents
  • Number of closed non-conformities vs. Total number of non-conformities
  • Quality Management System Score
  • Findings recorded through control checklists regarding service/work/supply quality
  • Findings recorded through goods entry regarding service/work quality
  • Number of documents produced vs. Number planned at the reference date
  • Number of closed non-conformities vs. Number of non-conformities planned for closure at the reference date
  • Findings recorded through control checklists regarding service/work/supply punctuality
  • Findings recorded through goods entry regarding service/work punctuality
Enel Green Power & Thermal Generation – Operation & Maintenance
Quality & Punctuality 
  • Lost production due to inefficiencies and interruptions in solar and wind generation plants
  • Planned maintenance efficiency for solar and wind generation plants
  • Corrective maintenance efficiency for wind generation plants
  • Actual material delivery date vs. Expected material delivery date
  • Received quality control plans vs. Expected quality control plans
  • Number of closed non-conformities as per plan vs. Number of closed non-conformities
  • Findings recorded through control checklists regarding service/work/supply punctuality
  • Findings recorded through goods entry regarding service/work punctuality
  • Approved quality control plans vs. Expected quality control plans
  • Number of closed non-conformities vs. Total non-conformities
  • Number of approved final dossiers vs. Expected final dossiers
  • Number of inspections performed vs. Planned inspections at the reference date
  • Findings recorded through control checklists regarding service/work/supply quality
  • Findings recorded through goods entry regarding service/work quality
Compliance level with the Service Level Agreement (where applicable)
  • Number of purchase orders for materials delivered on time vs. Number of expected purchase orders
  • Materials delivered on time vs. Materials expected for delivery
  • Installation interventions performed on time vs. Planned installations
  • Interventions performed on time vs. Planned interventions
  • Final customer satisfaction level after intervention
  • Compliance level with the Service Level Agreement (where applicable)
  • Findings recorded through control checklists regarding service/work/supply quality
  • Compliance level with the Service Level Agreement (where applicable)
  • Installation intervention delay compared to the plan
  • Final customer satisfaction level after intervention
  • Compliance level with the Service Level Agreement (where applicable)
ENELX & GLOBAL RETAIL - Global Customer Operation and Retail
  • Final customer satisfaction level
  • Compliance level with the Service Level Agreement (where applicable)
  • Compliance level with the Service Level Agreement (where applicable)
Enel Grids
  • Delay in execution of works/services compared to the plan
  • Delay in material delivery compared to the plan
  • Non-conformities detected compared to controlled items for works and services
  • Merit Order based on factory acceptance tests, offline tests, conformity to type tests, audits, defects after delivery

Consequence Management

Based on the score obtained from the Supplier in the Punctuality and Quality categories and their trend over a 12-month period, ENEL reserves the right to apply a consequence management model in relation to the goods group, to resolve any critical issues, stimulate improvement, and reward excellence. The priority scope of Consequence Management activities is defined by each business area through the identification of a set of target goods groups.
Any supplier evaluation is integrated with performance analysis in terms of Safety and Environment, those aspects always play a priority role in supplier assessment.

Since its activation, the Supplier Performance Management process has seen a progressive increase in coverage in numerical terms of the number of Contracts accounted and economic volume across the different businesses and Countries of the Enel Group.
Supplier performance data are used to evaluate development opportunities to be delivered through the Supplier Development Program.


The SPM process
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Target merchandise groups
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SPM - Data visualization
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