Following and recalling the prevention plan previously communicated with the information notice "Communication Coronavirus Enel-Suppliers, n.1 and 2" and without prejudice to the responsibilities that each employer has towards its employees, Enel renews its invitation to the Suppliers to take all actions deemed necessary or even only appropriate, at least equivalent to those adopted by Enel Group, in order to ensure the protection of workers' health and the limitation of contagion, both in the execution of the contracts in force with Companies of the Enel Group, and in any other occasion of meetings and relationship with the same.
Enel also informs that, starting from the 16th of March 2020, Global Procurement personnel will operate in Smart Working mode, as well as the rest of the Company’s personnel available for remote activities.
Activities related to tendering and supplier qualification process will continue to be carried out without interruption. However, considering the changed context and in order to ensure effective interaction, Enel has identified a number of guidelines to be followed.
Activities related to the tender process
- Pretender Workshop: will be carried out in Webinar mode. Instructions for participation will be sent by Enel personnel who will organise the activity;
- Interactions related to the technical offer or commercial negotiations: will be carried out in Video Conferences mode (using Microsoft Teams, Skype or other tools);
- Site visits: if they cannot be carried out in the usual manner, they will be fulfilled, where possible, through "virtual visits". Instructions for participation will be sent by Enel personnel who will organise the activity;
- Signing of Contracts: this process will be managed through digital signature systems, using certified electronic mail, or equivalent systems, if recognized in the different legal systems. If these instruments are not recognized, the subscription will be made through an exchange of correspondence.
Activities related to the qualification process
- Assessment or visits to suppliers: where these cannot be carried out in the usual manner, alternative remote solutions will be carried out (e.g. videoconferencing systems, call conferences, virtual visits, web meetings, drones, etc.), where possible by Enel personnel responsible for the activities, indicating the necessary tools for connections.
Activities relating to the purchase process not mentioned will continue to be carried out in the usual "pre-emergence" manner.
Moreover, as to the current contract management phase, if it is not possible to carry out the activities foresee in the contracts, to be fulfilled at the Supplier's Premises (e.g. inspections, controls, assessment of any kind), Enel reserves the right to resort to alternative solutions that allow their remote management (e.g. videoconferencing systems, call conferences, virtual visits, web meetings, drones, etc.). Enel’s contract manager will communicate in advance the new ways in which these activities will be carried out by indicating the necessary tools for remote management.
Considering the above, all Suppliers are requested to take the necessary measures to ensure effective remote interaction with Enel, including equipping their staff with the appropriate IT and telecommunications tools.
For the same purpose, it is suggested that Suppliers verify the email addresses registered in the Supplier Portal and update them in case they are obsolete. Likewise, Suppliers are invited to verify telephone numbers, indicating a preference for mobile phone numbers if a response from previously registered fixed telephone numbers is not guaranteed. On how to do this update, please refer to the quick user guide attached (download PDF).
Enel is aware of the particularity of the moment we are living in, but equally determined to give continuity to the work activity, using new or alternative ways of interaction to which we will all have to get used to. Everyone is called upon to do their part and Enel is willing to support and accompany its Suppliers in this transition, should there be a need to do so.
We count on your cooperation to jointly tackle the current emergency.
Head of Global Procurement at Enel
Salvatore Bernabei