Following the launch of WeBUY Release 23.2, during supplier registration the tool bar at the top is no longer available.
A new menu listing all the active steps / pages, which updates after saving, has been added on the left side.
Completion icons are presented with the following colours:
Red: mandatory field missing.
Green: mandatory and optional fields are completed.
Grey: optional fields are missing.
At this link you will find the manual which has been updated according to the new features implemented.
The video "Registration and Qualification of Suppliers" on the Global Procurement Portal will be modified shortly.
Please also note that, as already anticipated, with the launch of Release 23.2 of WeBUY starting from July 17th 2023 the web browser Internet Explorer is no longer supported by the Global Procurement platform.
Therefore, in order to continue using WeBUY's platform and to be able to submit offers and monitor contracts, it is necessary to log in by using other browsers such as Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge.
As always, you have at your disposal our contact telephone numbers for any doubts you may have.