Communication Coronavirus (COVID-19) - Phase 2


Dear Supplier,

Subject to the prevention plan previously sent with the note “Communication Coronavirus Enel-Suppliers, n.1, 2 e 3” and the responsibilities that each employer has in regard to its employees, Enel wishes to invite its suppliers to take all the action deemed necessary or jus opportune at least to the same extent taken by the Enel Group in order to ensure protection of the workers’ health and limitation of contagion in the fulfilment of contracts existing with the Companies of the Enel Group and on all other occasions of meeting and rapport with them.

Enel also wishes to inform you that as of 4 May 2020, the Safety Phase II Protocol will be activated by the Enel Group throughout Italy, as described in the document attached (download PDF).

The measures provided for in the above Protocol must be implemented by all contractors and service providers that operate within the company boundary to the extent they are individually responsible and observing all its provisions.

Please note also that if any of your employees should give a positive COVID-19 swab result and if they have had access to the facilities of the Enel Group in the 14 days prior to the COVID-19 swab, you must inform your local contact person or Enel contractual operator immediately informing the facility in which the work was done. This is in conformity with the provisions of the DPCM of 26 April 2020, in order to collaborate with the health authorities to provide information useful for identifying any close contacts with workers positive to the swab.

As usual, we would stress that it is also advisable to follow the precautions prepared by the OMS and the national health authority, updated periodically in relation to the evolution of the pandemic.

Enel is aware of the particular nature of the situation we are going through at the moment but is likewise determined to continue business. Everyone is called on to play their part and Enel is willing to support and accompany its Suppliers in this new phase if the need should arise.

We are counting on the collaboration of everyone in order to deal with the current emergency in a spirit of unity.

Head of Global Procurement at Enel     
Salvatore Bernabei